Benthic Zone

The term “Benthic” is derived from the Greek word “benthos” meaning “depth of the sea”. The benthic zone refers to the deepest part of water bodies including lakes, sea and ocean. It starts from the shoreline and extends to the bottom of the body of water.This ecological region is characterized by low temperature and oxygen level, high pressure and lack of light.

Organisms that live in the benthic zone are called benthos and include microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, microalgae and large invertebrates, such as crustaceans and polychaetes. These organisms act as a source of food for the bottom-feeding organisms and are also important indicator of the water quality. The zone above the benthic zone is called the pelagic zone, and it includes the water column up to the top.

Benthic Zone – Definition & Characteristics

The Benthic zone is the ecological region at the lowest level of a body of water such as a lake, ocean, and some sub-surface. The zone is characterized by low temperature, high pressure, and limited sunlight. The organisms that live in the benthic zone include bacteria, sea stars, and sea urchins. They play a significant role in nutrient cycling and act as a source of food for other aquatic organisms. In this article, we will learn about the benthic zone, its examples, animals, plants, and importance.

Table of Content

  • Benthic Zone Definition
  • Benthic Zone
  • Benthic Zone Diagram
  • Characteristics of Benthic Zone
  • What are Benthos?
  • Types of Benthic Zone
  • Benthic Zone Examples
  • Benthic Zone Animals
  • Benthic Zone Depth
  • Nutrient Flow
  • Difference Between Pelagic and Benthic zone
  • Importance of the Benthic Zone

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Conclusion – Benthic Zone

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FAQs -Benthic Zone

What is called Benthic Zone?...