Best practices for a good UI / UX design

Here are a list of best practices for a good UI/UX design Specially for digital businesses:

  • Wireframing is half way through: Wireframing done right leaves a very less scope of things going wrong in the User Interface. A perfect website of application structure can make or break your UI design which in turn reflects in the growth of digital business.
  • Content Hierarchy and Organization: When you are creating UI/UX design for a Digital service/product, make sure that the content Hierarchy and the organization of content is in such a way that the USP – every Digital product/service has a Unique Selling Proposition, Make sure to highlight this unique selling proposition.
  • A Consistent application and product: In some websites, the user experience of the website/app and the experience of the product they offer defers from one another. It might depend upon the stage of the company/startup or the market but the user should not find the product to be completely different from the branding website.
  • User feedback and iterating: Taking feedback from the users can provide valuable insights about the product/service and what things should be improved. In order to continuously improve the digital product/service we have to that user feedback and iterate our UI/UX design.
  • Focus on these properties of the UI:
    • Contrast: Contrast helps the User Interface in establishing the content/visual hierarchy, emphasizing a focal point and adding visual interest.
    • Alignment and Proximity: Alignment is direction of element flow and Proximity is closeness of the elements. Alignment and proximity brings order in unordered typography.
    • Repetition: Repetition is basically how many times patterns, visuals, or other properties are being repeating in the UI to give user an application that is easy to navigate.

Why UI/UX Design is Crucial for Digital Business ?

UI/UX Design is a crucial aspect of Digital business, it can make or break your business because a good UI/UX design can make you stand out from the crowd while a poor UI/UX design can make you lose customers irrespective of how your product/service is.

In this article, we want to put forward some points in favor of the fact that a good UI coupled with a good UX can make it a game-changer for your digital business. But before that, let’s discuss some basic points.

UI/UX Design is Crucial for Digital Business

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Why UI/UX design is crucial for a Digital Business?

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Best practices for a good UI / UX design

Here are a list of best practices for a good UI/UX design Specially for digital businesses:...

What practices to avoid?

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All the points we discussed in the article helps us realize that a good UI/UX Design is crucial for any digital business. Being a digital business, the design and development part should be our advantage over an offline business with some online presence. For a digital business with poor UI/UX itself says a lot about how poor the product would be....