Bible Trivia Quiz: Parables of Jesus

1. Trivia Question: What is the parable where a son asks for his inheritance early, wastes it, and returns home to a forgiving father?

Answer: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

2. Trivia Question: In which parable does a farmer sow seeds on different types of ground?

Answer: The Parable of the Sower

3. Trivia Question: What parable talks about a good man helping a wounded man on the road, while others pass by?

Answer: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

4. Trivia Question: Which parable describes a woman searching for a lost coin?

Answer: The Parable of the Lost Coin

5. Trivia Question: What is the parable that teaches the importance of being prepared, represented by ten virgins and their lamps?

Answer: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Most Famous Bible Trivia Quiz (Most Famous Question and Answers)

Bible Trivia Quiz: Get ready to level up your Bible knowledge with our dynamic selection of Bible trivia questions! Perfect for quiz enthusiasts, Bible study buffs, families seeking a fun game night activity, or anyone eager to look deeper into the rich stories and teachings of the scriptures, this collection is your go-to source for all things Bible.

Structured across a variety of engaging categories, from the epic tales of the Old Testament and the life-changing messages of the New Testament to the intriguing lives of biblical characters, iconic books, fascinating facts and figures, Jesus’ parables, prophetic insights, and miraculous events.

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As we conclude our journey through these Bible trivia questions, we hope you’ve enjoyed testing your knowledge of the Scriptures. The Bible is a source of wisdom, inspiration, and faith for millions around the world, and its stories continue to captivate hearts and minds....