Binary Operator in Javascript

Here are the implementation of Binary Operator in Javascript language:

let a = 10;
let b = 5;

// Binary addition (+)
console.log("a + b =", a + b);

// Binary subtraction (-)
console.log("a - b =", a - b);

// Binary multiplication (*)
console.log("a * b =", a * b);

// Binary division (/)
console.log("a / b =", a / b);

// Binary modulo (%)
console.log("a % b =", a % b);

// Binary bitwise AND (&)
console.log("a & b =", a & b);

// Binary bitwise OR (|)
console.log("a | b =", a | b);

// Binary bitwise XOR (^)
console.log("a ^ b =", a ^ b);

// Binary left shift (<<)
console.log("a << 1 =", a << 1);

// Binary right shift (>>)
console.log("a >> 1 =", a >> 1);

// Logical AND (&&)
console.log("(a > 0) && (b > 0) =", (a > 0) && (b > 0)); 

// Logical OR (||)
console.log("(a > 0) || (b > 0) =", (a > 0) || (b > 0)); 

// Equal to (==)
console.log("a == b =", a == b); 

// Not equal to (!=)
console.log("a != b =", a != b); 

// Greater than (>)
console.log("a > b =", a > b); 

// Less than (<)
console.log("a < b =", a < b); 

// Greater than or equal to (>=)
console.log("a >= b =", a >= b); 

// Less than or equal to (<=)
console.log("a <= b =", a <= b); 

a + b = 15
a - b = 5
a * b = 50
a / b = 2
a % b = 0
a & b = 0
a | b = 15
a ^ b = 15
a << 1 = 20
a >> 1 = 5
(a > 0) && (b > 0) = true
(a > 0) || (b > 0) = true
a == b = false
a != b = true
a > b = true...

Binary Operators in Programming

Binary Operators are essential tools in programming that perform operations on pairs of data, enabling tasks like calculations, comparisons, logical operations, and bitwise manipulations. They are fundamental for processing and manipulating data efficiently in computer programs.

Table of Content

  • What are Binary Operators?
  • Basics of Binary Operators
  • Binary Operator in C
  • Binary Operator in C++
  • Binary Operator in Java
  • Binary Operator in Python
  • Binary Operator in C#
  • Binary Operator in Javascript
  • Best Practices of Binary Operator

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Binary operators are the backbone of programming, enabling developers to perform a myriad of operations on data. Understanding their syntax and applications across different programming languages is essential for crafting efficient and expressive code. Whether you’re dealing with arithmetic, bitwise operations, or relational comparisons, binary operators offer the flexibility and power needed to navigate the complexities of programming tasks....