Blockchain Decentralization

There is no Central Server or System which keeps the data of the Blockchain. The data is distributed over Millions of Computers around the world which are connected to the Blockchain. This system allows the Notarization of Data as it is present on every Node and is publicly verifiable.


Introduction to Blockchain technology | Set 1

Blockchain could be a data structure that could be a growing list of information blocks. The knowledge blocks area unit coupled along, such recent blocks can’t be removed or altered. Blockchain is the backbone Technology of the Digital CryptoCurrency BitCoin.

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How does Blockchain Technology Work?

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Blockchain Decentralization

There is no Central Server or System which keeps the data of the Blockchain. The data is distributed over Millions of Computers around the world which are connected to the Blockchain. This system allows the Notarization of Data as it is present on every Node and is publicly verifiable....

Blockchain nodes

A node is a computer connected to the Blockchain Network. Node gets connected with Blockchain using the client. The client helps in validating and propagating transactions onto the Blockchain. When a computer connects to the Blockchain, a copy of the Blockchain data gets downloaded into the system and the node comes in sync with the latest block of data on Blockchain. The Node connected to the Blockchain which helps in the execution of a Transaction in return for an incentive is called Miners....

What are the benefits of Blockchain?

Time-saving: No central Authority verification is needed for settlements making the process faster and cheaper. Cost-saving: A Blockchain network reduces expenses in several ways. No need for third-party verification. Participants can share assets directly. Intermediaries are reduced. Transaction efforts are minimized as every participant has a copy of the shared ledger. Tighter security: No one can tamper with Blockchain Data as it is shared among millions of Participants. The system is safe against cybercrimes and Fraud. Collaboration: It permits every party to interact directly with one another while not requiring third-party negotiation. Reliability: Blockchain certifies and verifies the identities of every interested party. This removes double records, reducing rates and accelerating transactions....

Application of Blockchain

Leading Investment Banking Companies like Credit Suisse, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup have invested in Blockchain and are experimenting to improve the banking experience and secure it.  Following the Banking Sector, the Accountants are following the same path. Accountancy involves extensive data, including financial statements spreadsheets containing lots of personal and institutional data. Therefore, accounting can be layered with blockchain to easily track confidential and sensitive data and reduce human error and fraud. Industry Experts from Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, and EY are proficiently working and using blockchain-based software. Booking a Flight requires sensitive data ranging from the passenger’s name, credit card numbers, immigration details, identification, destinations, and sometimes even accommodation and travel information. So sensitive data can be secured using blockchain technology. Russian Airlines are working towards the same.  Various industries, including hotel services, pay a significant amount ranging from 18-22% of their revenue to third-party agencies. Using blockchain, the involvement of the middleman is cut short and allows interaction directly with the consumer ensuring benefits to both parties. Winding Tree works extensively with Lufthansa, AirFrance, AirCanada, and Etihad Airways to cut short third-party operators charging high fees.  Barclays uses Blockchain to streamline the Know Your Customer (KYC) and Fund Transfer processes while filling patents against these features.  Visa uses Blockchain to deal with business-to-business payment services.  Unilever uses Blockchain to track all their transactions in the supply chain and maintain the product’s quality at every stage of the process.  Walmart has been using Blockchain Technology for quite some time to keep track of their food items coming right from farmers to the customer. They let the customer check the product’s history right from its origin.  DHL and Accenture work together to track the origin of medicine until it reaches the consumer.  Pfizer, an industry leader, has developed a blockchain system to keep track of and manage the inventory of medicines.  The government of Dubai looking forward to making Dubai the first-ever city to rely on entirely and work using blockchain, even in their government office.   Along with the above organizations, leading tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Facebook, TCS, Oracle, Samsung, NVIDIA, Accenture, and PayPal, are working on Blockchain extensively....

Is Blockchain Secure?

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Blockchain project ideas

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Future Scope of Blockchain Technology

Finance, supply chain management, and the Internet of Things are just a few of the sectors that blockchain technology has the power to upend (IoT). The following are some potential uses for blockchain in the future:...