Box Plots

A box plot is a type of graph that displays the distribution of a numerical variable. It is useful for identifying the median, quartiles, and outliers in data sets. 


# create a box plot of the horsepower
# variable in the mtcars data
       xlab = "Horsepower",
       main = "Box plot of horsepower")


Box plot for Graphical Data Analysis

This creates a box plot of the horsepower variable in the mtcars data set. The xlab and main arguments specify the labels for the x-axis and the main title, respectively.

Graphical Data Analysis in R

Graphical Data Analysis (GDA) is a powerful tool that helps us to visualize and explore complex data sets. R is a popular programming language for GDA as it has a wide range of built-in functions for producing high-quality visualizations. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used GDA techniques in the R Programming Language.

For the data visualization, we will be using the mtcars dataset which is a built-in dataset in R that contains measurements on 11 different attributes for 32 different cars.

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