Bucket Sort Algorithm

The algorithm can be expressed as following:

  1. Take the array then find the maximum and minimum elements of the array. Find the range of each bucket.
    Bucket range:((maximum element – minimum element)/number of elements)
  2. Now insert the element into the bucket based on Bucket Index. 
    Bucket Index: floor(a[i]-minimum element)/range
  3. Once the elements are inserted into each bucket, sort the elements within each bucket using the insertion sort.


Consider an array arr[] = {22, 72, 62, 32, 82, 142}

Range = (maximum-minimum) / number of elements
So, here the range will be given as: Range = (142 – 22)/6 = 20

Thus, the range of each bucket in bucket sort will be: 20 So, the buckets will be as:
20-40; 40-60; 60-80; 80-100; 100-120; 120-140; 140-160

Bucket index = floor((a[i]-min)/range)
For 22, bucketindex = (22-22)/20 = 0.
For 72, bucketindex = (72-22)/20 = 2.5. 
For 62, bucketindex = (62-22)/20 = 2.
For 32, bucketindex = (32-22)/20 = 0.5.
For 82, bucketindex = (82-22)/20 = 3.
For 142, bucketindex = (142-22)/20 = 6.

Elements can be inserted into the bucket as:
0 -> 22 -> 32
2 -> 72 -> 62 (72 will be inserted before 62 as it appears first in the list).
3 -> 82

6 -> 142

Now sort the elements in each bucket using the insertion sort.
0 -> 22 -> 32
2 -> 62 -> 72
3 -> 82

6 -> 142

Now gather them together.
arr[] = {22, 32, 62, 72, 82, 142}

Radix Sort vs Bucket Sort

We have two standard sorting algorithms, named bucket sort and radix sort. They both share differences and similarities. Let’s explore some similarities, differences, advantages, and disadvantages here in more detail.

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