Building Android Application

We are using capacitor for converting into android app. First, install the @capacitor/android package.

npm install @capacitor/android

Then, add the Android platform.

npx cap add android

An new folder named android is created in the project directory. Every time you perform a build (e.g. ionic build) that updates your web directory (default: www), you’ll need to copy those changes into your native projects:

ionic cap copy

Note: After making updates to the native portion of the code (such as adding a new plugin), use the sync command:

ionic cap sync

To open the project in Android Studio, run:

npx cap open android

Wait while the project is loading this will take upto 5 minutes (for first time). After the project is completely loaded, go to Build > Build_Bundle > Build Apk.

After the build is completed a popup appear click on locate appliation to locate your apk.

locate apk

You will find an apk name app-debug. Share it on android phone and install it. You can change the app logo and app name as your choice.

How to Develop Android Apps with Ionic and Capacitor?

Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile apps that work across multiple platforms, such as native iOS, Android, and the web as a Progressive Web App. Ionic uses web technologies — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — with integrations for popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue. Ionic focuses on the front-end UX and UI interaction of an app — UI controls, interactions, gestures, and animations. It provides numerous amount of pre-built components. We just have to use them in our application and make changes wherever needed.

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Building Android Application

We are using capacitor for converting into android app. First, install the @capacitor/android package....