C++ Recursion

Recursion in C++ is a technique in which a function calls itself repeatedly until a given condition is satisfied. In other words, recursion is the process of solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller, simpler sub-problems.

Syntax Structure of Recursion

return_type recursive_func {
// Base Condition
// Recursive Case

Recursive Function

A function that calls itself is called a recursive function. When a recursive function is called, it executes a set of instructions and then calls itself to execute the same set of instructions with a smaller input. This process continues until a base case is reached, which is a condition that stops the recursion and returns a value.

Base Condition

The base condition is the condition that is used to terminate the recursion. The recursive function will keep calling itself till the base condition is satisfied.

Recursive Case

Recursive case is the way in which the recursive call is present in the function. Recursive case can contain multiple recursive calls, or different parameters such that at the end, the base condition is satisfied and the recursion is terminated.

C++ Recursion

Assume that you have to paint a few balls. If you do it alone, it will take a lot of time. One thing you can do is to take help from your friend. Assuming that you have the same work speed, the task will be done in half of the time. Now, instead of taking help from only one of your friends, you take help from multiple friends such that each friend have only one ball to paint. The task will be done much faster as compared to when you were doing it alone. Recursion is a problem-solving technique that works in a similar way.

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There are two types of cases in recursion i.e. recursive case and a base case.Infinite recursion may lead to running out of stack memory.Each recursive call makes a new copy of that method in the stack memory.The base case is used to terminate the recursive function when the case turns out to be true.Examples of Recursive algorithms: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Tower of Hanoi, Fibonacci Series, Factorial Problem, etc....

FAQs on C++ Recursion

Q1. What is the difference between iteration and recursion?...