C calloc() method

  1. “calloc” or “contiguous allocation” method in C is used to dynamically allocate the specified number of blocks of memory of the specified type. it is very much similar to malloc() but has two different points and these are:
  2. It initializes each block with a default value ‘0’.
  3. It has two parameters or arguments as compare to malloc().

Syntax of calloc() in C

ptr = (cast-type*)calloc(n, element-size);
here, n is the no. of elements and element-size is the size of each element.

For Example: 

ptr = (float*) calloc(25, sizeof(float));
This statement allocates contiguous space in memory for 25 elements each with the size of the float.

If space is insufficient, allocation fails and returns a NULL pointer.

Example of calloc() in C


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    // This pointer will hold the
    // base address of the block created
    int* ptr;
    int n, i;
    // Get the number of elements for the array
    n = 5;
    printf("Enter number of elements: %d\n", n);
    // Dynamically allocate memory using calloc()
    ptr = (int*)calloc(n, sizeof(int));
    // Check if the memory has been successfully
    // allocated by calloc or not
    if (ptr == NULL) {
        printf("Memory not allocated.\n");
    else {
        // Memory has been successfully allocated
        printf("Memory successfully allocated using calloc.\n");
        // Get the elements of the array
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            ptr[i] = i + 1;
        // Print the elements of the array
        printf("The elements of the array are: ");
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            printf("%d, ", ptr[i]);
    return 0;


Enter number of elements: 5
Memory successfully allocated using calloc.
The elements of the array are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Dynamic Memory Allocation in C using malloc(), calloc(), free() and realloc()

Since C is a structured language, it has some fixed rules for programming. One of them includes changing the size of an array. An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. 

As can be seen, the length (size) of the array above is 9. But what if there is a requirement to change this length (size)? For example, 

  • If there is a situation where only 5 elements are needed to be entered in this array. In this case, the remaining 4 indices are just wasting memory in this array. So there is a requirement to lessen the length (size) of the array from 9 to 5.
  • Take another situation. In this, there is an array of 9 elements with all 9 indices filled. But there is a need to enter 3 more elements in this array. In this case, 3 indices more are required. So the length (size) of the array needs to be changed from 9 to 12.

This procedure is referred to as Dynamic Memory Allocation in C.
Therefore, C Dynamic Memory Allocation can be defined as a procedure in which the size of a data structure (like Array) is changed during the runtime.
C provides some functions to achieve these tasks. There are 4 library functions provided by C defined under <stdlib.h> header file to facilitate dynamic memory allocation in C programming. They are: 

  1. malloc()
  2. calloc()
  3. free()
  4. realloc()

Let’s look at each of them in greater detail.

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