C Vs C++ Vs Python


C C++ Python
C was developed by Dennis Ritchie between the year 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. Python was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991.
More difficult to write code in contrast to both Python and C++ due to complex syntax. C++ code is less complex than C but more complex in contrast to python. Easier to write code.
Longer lines of code as compared to python. Longer lines of code as compared to python. 3-5 times shorter than equivalent C/C++ programs.
Variables are declared in C. Variables are declared in C++ Python has no declaration.
C is a compiled language. C++ is a compiled language. Python is an interpreted language.
C contains 32 keywords. C++ contains 52 keywords. Python contains 33 keywords.
For the development of code, C supports procedural programming. C++ is known as hybrid language because C++ supports both procedural and object oriented programming paradigms. Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.
C does not support inheritance. C++ support both single and multiple inheritance Python supports all 5 types of inheritance i.e. single inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, and hybrid inheritance
C provides malloc() and calloc() functions for dynamic memory allocation, and free() for memory de-allocation. C++ provides new operator for memory allocation and delete operator for memory de-allocation. Python’s memory allocation and deallocation method is automatic.
Direct support for exception handling is not supported by C. Exception handling is supported by C++. Exception handling is supported by Python.


Comparing Python with C and C++

In the following article, we will compare the 3 most used coding languages from a beginner’s perspective. It will help you to learn basics of all the 3 languages together while saving your time and will also help you to inter shift from one language you know to the other which you don’t. Let’s discuss a brief history of all the 3 languages and then we will move on to the practical learning.

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