Calculation of the Bonus Amount

1. Basic Salary + DA < 7,000, then in such cases,

Bonus Payable = (Basic Salary + DA) * Amount %, either 8.33% (establishment is supposed to give even in case of deficit) or could go up to 20%

2. Basic Salary + DA > 7000, then in such cases,

Bonus Payable = ₹7000, % either 8.33% (establishment is supposed to give even in case of deficit) or could go up to 20%

Statutory Compliance on the part of the Employer

Considering the given act, there are certain compliances on the part of employers that they are obliged to follow, such as:

  • The amount of Bonus shall be paid within 8 months by the employer, from the end of the accounting year in cash.
  • The employer shall prepare different registers, such as: Register having the entire computation of allocable surplus (Form A), Register showing set-on and set-off (Form B). Register containing details such as bonus payable, deductions to be made, amount disbursed (Form C).
  • Employer must upload on or before 1st February every year the details of annual returns in Form D, on the portal of the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
  • Annual return is supposed to be filed in Form D by every employer to the inspector on or before 1st February every year.
  • In case of disputes related to bonuses, the amount shall be paid within one month from the date the award passed becomes enforceable.

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 : Applicability, Calculation, Offences and Penalties

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Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

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Calculation of the Bonus Amount

1. Basic Salary + DA < 7,000, then in such cases,...

Offences and Penalties under the Act

If any person fails to comply with the provisions of the act, then such person shall be punished with imprisonment, which may extend up to 6 months or a fine, which may extend up to ₹1,000 or both. If any person receives any direction under the act but fails to comply, such person shall be punished with imprisonment, which may extend up to 6 months or a fine, which may extend up to ₹1,000 or both. In case, any offence is committed by the company, then every person who is responsible for the business of the company (Managing Director, CEO, CFO, Managerial Head) will be punished accordingly....


Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 legally seeks to regularise the practice of paying bonuses by different establishments. It paves a way to calculate the bonus based on profit and productivity. It enables the employees to earn more than the minimum wage or salary. Hence, the act provides different procedures for different establishments like banking companies, public organisations and establishments, which are not a company or a corporation....

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965- FAQs

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