Can we show more Tolerance towards Weaker Sections of our Society?

It’s easy to be impatient and intolerant towards people who are weaker than us, whether it’s because they’re physically weaker, have a lower IQ, or are just generally less capable than most. But does that make it right? Just because someone is weaker doesn’t mean they don’t deserve our compassion and understanding. Showing tolerance and compassion towards the weaker members of our society is one of the most important things we can do. For example, if you see someone who has trouble with reading, offer to help them read something. If you notice an elderly person struggling with their groceries at the grocery store, offer to help them carry their groceries out to their car. And if you see a mentally disabled person on the street asking for money, consider giving them something instead of just walking by without giving anything at all.

Tolerance and Compassion for the Weaker Section

In today’s society, it’s important to be tolerant and compassionate towards those that are perceived as weaker than us. Many people believe they have the right to exercise their strength over those that are too weak to fight back or defend themselves. We mustn’t allow ourselves to fall into this trap and instead show compassion towards the weaker members of our society, because, at one point in time, you may be seen as the weaker one.

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