Captured Traffic


The above image is an example of SIP packets that are captured using Wireshark.

SIP Statistics Window in Wireshark

Wireshark is a widely used network analyzer that contains highly advanced analysis tools for analyzing captured data packets. It is capable of capturing nearly all types of data packets like Ethernet, wireless, Bluetooth network, etc. It contains several windows like the SIP Statistics window, ISUP message window, UCP message window, etc. for analyzing different types of data packets. It works with multiple protocols like TCP, IP, IAX2, ISUP, etc. It is mainly used by network and cyber security engineers.

SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol which is used in establishing communication sessions for audio, video or messages data transactions. These sessions are started, maintained, and terminated using SIP along with a whole set of other protocols working on the application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.

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Captured Traffic:



It can be seen that a lot of information can be gathered by analyzing SIP packets. It shows the IP address of the initiator along with the state of the request and comment. It also depicts start and stops times along with some other valuable information like the origin and destination of the data packet which can be seen under From and To tab....