Causes of Ocean Plastic Pollution

Some of the major causes of ocean plastic pollution are :

  • Air Pollutant: Pollutants flowing in the atmosphere settle on the ocean surface. As a result, the particles of plastic material and sometimes lightweight plastic material fall into the ocean through the wind.
  • Surface Runoff: Cars, truck, buses while commutation, leaves plastic bags, or plastic bottles or any other plastic material on the roads. eventually these waste reach the water source and ultimately to the ocean. Hence causing plastic pollution.
  • Littering the Coastline: Most of the coastline are full of plastic waste because the visitors dispose off the single use plastic container, bags, straws on the beaches. This leads to deposition of plastic waste at the beaches which runoff into the ocean with waves.
  • Landfills: Landfills are the man-made land created by depositing waste material collected in an area. These waste material contain plastic packets, bottles, and other plastic material. over a period of time these waste gets into the contact of water level and eventually pollutes the ocean water.

Effect of Ocean Plastic Pollution on Environment

The ocean plastic is harmful to different ecosystems and marine life. According to UNESCO, around 10 million metric tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year. The major problem with plastic is that they are non-biodegradable and remains in the environment for thousands of years.

In this article, we will look into the Effects of Ocean Plastic Pollution on the Environment in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Ocean Plastic Pollution?
  • Causes of Ocean Plastic Pollution
  • Effects of Ocean Plastic Pollution on the Environment
  • Solutions to Ocean Plastic Pollution

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