C/C++ Build Tools Installation

We will go through the installation of C/C++ build tools on Ubuntu in this section. So, after CLion is installed, we’ll be able to compile C/C++ programs.

Step 1: To begin, run the following command to refresh the APT package repository cache:

sudo apt update


Step 2: The cache for the APT package repository should be refreshed. Now run the following command to install C/C++ development tools:

sudo apt install build-essential


Step 3: To continue, press Y/y and then enter.

Build tools for C/C++ are installed on the system.

How to install CLion IDE on Ubuntu

CLion (pronounced “sea lion”) is a Linux, macOS, and Windows C and C++ IDE that is integrated with the CMake build system. The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and Clang compilers, as well as the GDB debugger, LLDB, and Google Test, are all supported in the first edition. JetBrains’ CLion is one of the greatest C/C++ IDEs available. CLion can help us enhance your workflow if we’re professional C/C++ programmers. The appearance and feel of all JetBrains IDEs, including CLion, are consistent. Both novices and pros will find it simple to use.

We’ll look at how to install and configure CLion C/C++ IDE on Ubuntu in this article. So, let’s get this party started.

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