Central Administration

  • Shivaji appointed eight ministers, known as the Ashtapradhan who were each personally accountable to the emperor. They were as follows:
    1. Peshwa: In charge of the finances and overall administration.
    2. Sari-i-Naubat (Senapati): commander in chief of the army.
    3. Amatya: Responsible for states revenue and expenditure; accountant
    4. Waqenavis: Responsible for personal and family affairs.
    5. Surunavis or Chitnis: Assisted the king in official correspondence.
    6. Dabir: Foreign secretary
    7. Nyayadhish: Chief Justice
    8. Panditrao: Ecclesiastical head
  • All the ministers were asked to lead martial campaigns, except for Panditrao and Nyayadhish. The ministers were not appointed on a hereditary basis and the posts were not permanent. They were held till the king’s delight and were regularly moved. No jagir was endowed to any civil or military officer, and they were paid directly by the treasury.

Administrative System of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was born in Shivneri of Pune (formerly Pune was known as Poona) in the year 1627 to Shahaji Bhonsle and Jija Bai. The credit for establishing such a huge kingdom goes to Shivaji and his father, Shahaji. In 1637, he received the jagir of Poona from his father and later emerged as one of the greatest rulers of the Maratha empire. The Maratha regime was primarily an advanced and centralized authoritarian monarchy. The king was in charge and his main goal was the happiness and security of his subjects.

In this article, we will discuss the salient features of the administration under Shivaji which were extensively borrowed from the administrative approaches of the Deccan states.

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