Challenges faced in Energy Conversion

The energy conversion industry faces certain challenges which are a major topics of various world summits , these problems can be:

  • The expanded use of non-renewable resources poses a major challenge. Resources like coal and petroleum are limited in supply. These resources are a major source of power for vehicles like cars and trains but at the same time the shortage of these resources has increased greatly in past decade. Managing them is a huge task.
  • Release of emissions during energy conversion process is another matter of concern. The energy conversion process involves installing some plants that can harness energy and convert it to a final form. During these conversions , there are emissions of various other pollutants and gases that can be a threat to environment.
  • Energy is not available to all i.e. there is unequal access of energy to all. Due to the high production cost associated with energy generation , the energy is available to citizens at a certain cost. This cost is not affordable to everyone as a result not everyone has an equal access to energy.
  • Destruction of balance between human activity and Earth’s carrying capacity. Due to the technological advancement and population increase, there has been a major demand of resources and energy conversion giving earth insufficient time for replenishing its resources and a result destroying the natural balance.
  • The increasing social ,economic and political conflicts among countries and leaders is also a cause of concern. Any attack on, a global grid could have very serious consequences threatening the reserves and putting a stop on the supply in many countries. Due to uneven distribution ,many countries can flex their resources and assert their dominance.

Energy Conversion

Energy has always played a vital role in human life. Any possible device made is driven by energy. From cycles, motorbikes to advanced metros, and aeroplanes everything requires some kind of energy conversion to carry out their work hence it becomes necessary to study energy conversion and efficiently manage energy resources. In this article, we will study different forms of energy. We will also study what is energy conversion and the principle governing energy conversion. Further, we will also discuss various methods of energy conversion. This article will also throw light on the topic of renewable energy and how to use sustainable conversion methods. The energy conversion process faces certain challenges and we will address them in detail. Later we will study the future scope of energy conversion and various methods to Improve efficiency in the methods used.

Table of Content

  • What is Energy Conversion?
  • Forms of Energy
  • Principle of Energy Conversion
  • Methods of Energy Conversion
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainable Conversion
  • Challenges faced in Energy Conversion
  • Future Scope of Energy Conversion
  • Efficiency Improvements of Energy Conversion

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