Change the line width


plwd attributes is used to increase or decrease the line width of the Polygon.


Example: Change line width



data <- sample( 2:20 , 10 ,
                                     replace=T) ,
colnames(data) <- c("Mumbai" , "Tamil" , "Noida" ,
                    "Kerala" , "Patna", "Assam" ,
                    "Ranchi" , "Bhopal", "Delhi",
                    "Indore" )
data <- rbind(rep(39,10) , rep(0,10) , data)
# Library
radarchart(data, plwd = 3)




How to Create Radar Charts in R?

In this article, we are going to see how to create Radar Charts in R Programming Language.

Radar charts are also known as Spider or Web or Polar charts. It is a graphical graph to display multivariate data in form of 2D charts of three or more quantitative variables which are represented on axes starting from the same point

Dataset in use:

  Mumbai Tamil Noida Kerala Patna Assam Ranchi Bhopal Delhi Indore

1     39    39    39    39    39    39     39     39    39     39

2      0     0     0     0     0     0      0      0     0      0

3      2     7     5     5     9    18      7      7    10     19

fmsb package is Several utility functions and it has radarchar() methods to create radar chart in R.

To install the package:

install.packages( fmsb )

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