Changing the Limits of the Slider

As seen in the previous example, the slider took default values from 0 to 100. However, we can change the same to any desired limits using the following method.

Example 2:


% Code
fig = uifigure;
slid = uislider(fig);
%changing the limits to, from -23 to 23
slid.Limits = [-23 23];

By using the slider_object.Limits property of uislider, we can change the limits of the slider to any desired value; range given as a vector.



Create a Slider Component in MATLAB

A slider component is a graphical interface that allows the end users to select discrete values in the range of the slider component. MATLAB provides built-in functionalities to create slider components in a MATLAB figure component.

This article will explain how to create a slider component in MATLAB and the various options available with it. 

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