Characteristics of GraphQL Queries

GraphQL queries have certain benefits to it, and are characterized by its strongly typed nature, and its declarative schema.

  • Declarative Schema: The queries have a declarative schema such that the end users know exactly which fields are supported in the API, and which fields they can get back in the response.
  • Strongly-typed nature: Queries have a strongly-typed nature where the shape and structure of the data returned by the API is predetermined.

What is GraphQL Queries

GraphQL is a powerful open-source Query Language for APIs. It is most commonly known for its single endpoint query which allows the user to define a single endpoint to fetch all the information needed.

Queries in GraphQL allow us to retrieve the data from an API endpoint, and the data is what we specify in the query itself. In this article, we will learn about GraphQL Queries, and we will create some ourselves.

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