Characteristics of PNG

Here, we will discuss some of the characteristics of PNG that are listed below.

  • File Size Factors: File size factors depend on the following factors.
    • Color Depths
    • Ancillary Chunks
    • Interlacing
    • Compression
    • Filters
  • Lossy PNG Support: Although PNG may be a lossless organization, PNG encoders can preprocess image information in a lossy mold to progress PNG compression. For case, quantizing a true color PNG to 256 colors permits the ordered color sort to be utilized for a likely decrease in the size of the file.
  • Image Editing Program: Adobe Photoshop’s execution on PNG records has moved forward within the CS Suite when utilizing the Spare For Web include (which moreover permits express PNG/8 to utilize).
  • Different devices are accessible for optimizing PNG records:   
    • Expelling auxiliary chunks (optionally).
    • Reducing color profundity, either
      • use a palette (rather than RGB) in case the picture has 256 or fewer colors
      • use a little palette, on the off chance that the picture has 2, 4, or 16 colors, or (optionally) lossily dispose of some of the data within the unique image.
    • Optimizing line-by-line channel choice.
    • Optimizing Flatten compression.

PNG Full Form

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. It could be organized for storing bit-mapped (raster) pictures on the computer. It is additionally known as a successor of GIF arrange pictures. It uses fewer compression procedures to save pictures like GIF records but without copyright issues.


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History of PNG

The Portable Network Graphics Format was developed in early 1995. The main reason behind its development was the limitation of 256 colors only in GIF. PNG has a file extension “.png”.But for pictures with a little content or line art, it’s superior, since the pictures see less “bitmapped.” Portable Network Graphics Arrange was created in early 1995. It’s utilized nearly solely for web pictures, never for print pictures. For photos, PNG is not as good as JPEG, since it makes a bigger record. Animated designs inferred from PNG are MNG and APNG, which is in reverse consistent with PNG and supported by most browsers....

Characteristics of PNG

Here, we will discuss some of the characteristics of PNG that are listed below....

Advantages of PNG

Portability: Transmission is free of the program and equipment platform. Completeness: it’s conceivable to speak to true color, indexed color, and grayscale images. Efficiency: any dynamic picture introduction, compression, and sifting look for productive translating and presentation. Compression: pictures can be compressed effectively and consistently. Easiness: the execution of the standard is easy. Interchangeability: any PNG decoder that takes after the guidelines can peruse all PNG information streams....

Disadvantages of PNG

Less expansive pictures: Not great for expansive pictures since they tend to create an expansive file size.  Higher Records: Sometimes makes more expensive records than JPEG.  No Animation: Cannot be animated.  Less Compatible: Not all web browsers can back PNG....

Uses of PNG

PNG is used to save the image which is generally photoshopped. PNG is used to create graphs, blueprints, etc. PNG helps in scanning texts such as journals, letter works, newspapers, etc....


1. What is the purpose of PNG?...