Characteristics of Roman Numbers

Some characteristics of Roman numbers are given below;

  • In the Roman system, a letter can’t be repeated more than 3 times.
  • In the repetition of Roman digits, the value of the Roman number is equal to the sum of the value of Roman digits.
  • V, L, and D are not repeated Roman numbers.
  • If a small Roman symbol is at the left position of any bigger symbol then the value of the number can be determined by subtracting the smaller symbol from the bigger symbol.
  • If a smaller Roman symbol is at the right position of any bigger symbol, then the value of the number can be determined by adding both numbers.
  • If the bar is put above any number, then the value of that number is increased 1000 times.

Uses of Roman Numbers in Daily Life

Roman numbers are numbers used by early Romans that are still used today and have lots of applications in daily life. Roman numbers used symbols to represent various numbers, i.e. I in Roman numbers is equal to 1, V is equal to 5 and so on.

Roman numbers have various applications including, the chapters of any book that can be denotated using Roaman Numbers, the titles of Summer and Winter Olympics, and the marking of hours on clock faces, etc all are denoted using Ronam Numbers.

In this article, we will explore most of the uses of Roman numbers in real life with their various examples.

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