Chromatic Number of Bipartite Graph

Non-empty bipartite graphs have a chromatic number of 2.

since the two parts are each independent sets and can be colored with a single color. Conversely, if a graph can be 2-colored, it is bipartite, since all edges connect vertices of different colors

Chromatic Number of a Graph | Graph Colouring

Graph coloring is a fundamental concept in graph theory, and the chromatic number is a key parameter that quantifies the coloring properties of a graph. Let’s go into the introductory aspects of the chromatic number.

Graph coloring refers to the problem of coloring vertices of a graph in such a way that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. This is also called the vertex coloring problem. If coloring is done using at most m colors, it is called m-coloring.

Table of Content

  • What is Chromatic Number?
  • Chromatic Number of Cyclic Graph:
  • Chromatic Number of Complete Graph:
  • Chromatic Number of Bipartite Graph:
  • Chromatic Number of Star Graph:
  • Chromatic Number of Wheel Graph:
  • Chromatic Number of Planar Graph:
  • Properites of Chromatic Number:
  • Importance of Chromatic Number in Graph Theory:
  • Algorithm to Find Chromatic Numbers
  • Choosing the right algorithm for finding chromatic number depends on the specific graph:
  • Relation between chromatic number and chromatic polynomial
  • Analogy:
  • Related Articles:

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What is Chromatic Number?

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Properites of Chromatic Number:

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Importance of Chromatic Number in Graph Theory:

Graph Labeling: Chromatic number is a form of graph labeling, which is crucial in representing and analyzing graphs. Map Coloring Problem: The chromatic number is directly related to the classic map coloring problem, where the goal is to color regions of a map (represented as vertices) such that no two adjacent regions share the same color. Graph Classifications: Graphs with low chromatic numbers often have special properties. For example, trees are 2-colorable (have chromatic number 2), and bipartite graphs have chromatic number 2. Algorithmic Applications: Graph coloring algorithms, including those based on chromatic number, are used in scheduling problems, register allocation in compilers, and various optimization tasks. Connection to Combinatorial Problems: The chromatic number is linked to combinatorial questions, such as finding the minimum number of colors needed to color a graph or identifying graphs with specific colorability properties. Broader Graph Theory Concepts: The chromatic number is intertwined with other graph parameters and theorems, contributing to a deeper understanding of graph theory....

Algorithm to Find Chromatic Numbers:

There are several algorithms to find the chromatic number of a graph, each with its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of complexity:...

Choosing the right algorithm for finding chromatic number depends on the specific graph:


Relation between chromatic number and chromatic polynomial:




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