Civil liberties provided by the Constitution of India

The fundamental rights under part three of the Indian constitution guarantee liberties for the common people to lead their lives in peace. There are six fundamental rights in total which include:

  • Right to Equality – It is outlined in Articles 14-18 and guarantees that everyone is treated equally under the law. Discrimination on the basis of religion, ethnicity, caste, gender, or place of birth is forbidden by the right to equality.
  • Right to freedom – Every citizen of India has the freedom to live and work anywhere on its territory thanks to this privilege. Individual rights are additionally safeguarded by the constitution from unreasonable state action.
  • Right against exploitation – Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution establish the right against exploitation. These crucial fundamental rights ensure that no individual is subjected to any form of forced labour.
  • Right to freedom of religion – Articles 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the Indian Constitution provide a clear description of the right to freedom of religion before the State, with no religion being granted priority over another. Any religion that a citizen chooses to preach, practise, and spread is free.
  • Cultural and education rights – Every member of society has the fundamental right to preserve their own languages and cultures, including the access to an education. Articles 29 and 30 of the Indian Constitution contain them.
  • Rights to constitutional remedies – Article 32 of the Indian Constitution guarantees citizens of India the fundamental right to Constitutional Remedies. It grants people the ability to petition a state’s Supreme Court or High Court to have their fundamental rights upheld.

These are most of the rights that are common in most liberal democracies are part of the fundamental laws of the land and are enforceable by the highest court of law.

Civil Liberties – Definition, Importance & Examples

Civil Liberties are rights given naturally to the people of the country to protect them from the absolutism of government. The amount to which these liberties are given and enjoyed by people indicates the level of democracy in the country. Civil liberties allow everyone to be treated equally by the government. This ensures the government does not have much power over people creating a perfect balance.

In this article we will read about Civil Liberties, it definition, origin, importance and much more.

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FAQS on Civil liberties

What are Civil Liberties?...