Civil Rights Movement in US

The Civil Rights Movement was a powerful movement that brought people together to demand equal treatment and voting rights. Despite facing the challenge of disenfranchisement, where many Black voters were denied their right to vote, and other obstacles like poll taxes and difficult tests, the movement persevered. Their efforts played a significant role in advancing the voting rights of Black Americans. Today, we can look back with confidence and gratitude at the bravery and determination of those who fought for fairness and equality during this transformative time in American history.

When did Blacks Get the Right to Vote in US?

February 3, 1870 – 15th Amendment was made so Black people could vote in the US.

This was a big step forward in giving Black Americans the right to participate in elections and have their voices heard. It was an important moment in the fight for equality. Black suffrage means that Black people have the right to vote, just like everyone else. It was a big change because there was a time when Black people were not allowed to vote in America. But they fought for their right to have a say in choosing their leaders.

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