CO2 Release During Daytime

CO2 release during the day time and photosynthesis in CAM Plants take place in the following steps:

  1. Organic acids stored in vacuoles are decarboxylated and releases CO2.
  2. Released CO2 is utilized in the Calvin cycle to produce sugars and CO2 fixation occurs via the Calvin-Benson cycle in the chloroplast stroma.
  3. ATP and NADPH generated during the light-dependent reactions are used in the Calvin cycle to convert CO2 into carbohydrates.
  4. Stomata remain closed during the day to minimize water loss through transpiration.
  5. Photosynthesis occurs during the day when light energy is available. It allow CAM plants to efficiently utilize carbon dioxide for sugar synthesis without photorespiration.

Why does Photorespiration not occur in CAM Plants?

Why does Photorespiration not occur in CAM Plants?: A CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) plant is a type of plant that fixes carbon dioxide through the CAM pathway, which evolved in some plants to adapt to arid conditions. Let’s read why does photorespiration not occur in CAM plants.

Table of Content

  • What are CAM Plants?
  • What is Photorespiration?
  • CO2 Uptake in CAM Plants at Night
  • CO2 Release During Daytime
  • Why does Photorespiration not occur in CAM Plants?
  • Examples of CAM Plants
  • CAM Plants and Use of Water

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Conclusion – Why does Photorespiration not Occur in CAM Plants?

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FAQs on Why does Photorespiration not Occur in CAM Plants?

Why Photorespiration Does Not Occur in CAM Plants?...