
In summary, *args and **kwargs are powerful features in Python that enable you to create flexible functions capable of handling varying numbers of arguments and keyword arguments, respectively. In data engineering, they are invaluable for building versatile data processing pipelines, accommodating different data sources, formats, and configurations with ease.

Why use *args and **kwargs used in Data Engineering?

In data engineering, *args and **kwargs are often used in Python functions to handle variable numbers of arguments and keyword arguments, respectively. They provide flexibility when you’re not sure how many arguments or keyword arguments will be passed to a function.

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Why use *args and **kwargs used in Data Engineering?

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*args (Variable Positional Arguments):

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**kwargs (Variable Keyword Arguments):

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In summary, *args and **kwargs are powerful features in Python that enable you to create flexible functions capable of handling varying numbers of arguments and keyword arguments, respectively. In data engineering, they are invaluable for building versatile data processing pipelines, accommodating different data sources, formats, and configurations with ease....