Color Schemes

This is an approach of selecing colors. It is also known as Color Harmony. There are 7 major types of Color Schemes:

1. Monochromatic Color Schemes

Containing different hues, saturations, and tints of the same color.


2. Complementary Color Schemes

Two colors from opposite sides of the color wheel are the base of complementary color schemes.


3. Analogous Color Schemes

On the color wheel, adjacent colors are referred to as analogous colors. This type of palette can look very beautiful because the colors fit together so nicely.


4. Triadic Color Schemes

Triadic Scheme is made by using three colors that are at the points of a triangle drawn within the color wheel.


5. Split Complementary(Compound) Color Schemes

Split complementary color palettes are similar to complementary palettes but with a third color which is next one of the complementary colors on the color wheel.

Split Complementary

6. Square Color Schemes

There are 4 colors in this scheme one key color. Having 3 equidistant colors from the key color gives two complementary pairs which forms a square.


7. Tetradic Color Schemes

Formed by 2 complementary pairs equidistant to each other making a rectangular shape.


What are Color Schemes? | Significance, Types and More

Selecting colors for a design is an important part of the design process. By selecting the right colors we can increase the user’s interest in the design and attract them to look more. Having the right set of colors selected from a Color Scheme can help in attracting the right customers for the specific brand. In this article, we will take a look at various Color Schemes that are used to select colors.

Color Schemes

First, let’s take a brief look at Color Theory.

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Color Schemes

This is an approach of selecing colors. It is also known as Color Harmony. There are 7 major types of Color Schemes:...


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