Common Errors and Solutions

Error 1: Access Denied

  • Error Message: When you try to access an AWS S3 bucket without the required authorization, you get this error.
  • Possible Causes: It is possible that the AWS credentials being used lack the necessary authorization. One possible reason for this could be inadequate or absent IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies linked to the role or user.
  • Solution: Examine the IAM policies linked to the AWS login credentials being utilized. Make that the policies provide the rights required for the S3 operations you are trying to carry out. Moreover, confirm that the access keys you are using are current and genuine.

Error 2: NoSuchBucket

  • Error Message: This error suggests that there is not an S3 bucket with the supplied name.
  • Possible Causes: It is possible that the bucket name is spelled incorrectly or has not been created yet.
  • Solution: Verify the bucket name one more time for any typos. Use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) to create the bucket if it does not already exist. Make that the bucket name is unique for all AWS accounts and complies with S3 naming guidelines.

Error 3: InvalidAccessKeyId

  • Error Message: This error occurs when the provided AWS Access Key Id does not match any records.
  • Possible Causes: The access key might be incorrect or outdated.
  • Solution: Check the access key that is being used. Create a new access key from the AWS Management Console and amend your login information if it is inaccurate or out-of-date. Make sure the new access key is kept in a safe place.

Error 4: BucketAlreadyExists

  • Error Message: This error occurs when attempting to create a bucket with a name that’s already in use by another AWS user.
  • Possible Causes: The chosen bucket name might already be taken.
  • Solution: Select a bucket name that is distinct and has not been used by another AWS customer. To make the bucket name stand out, think about using a prefix or suffix. Before attempting to create the desired bucket name, make sure it is available.

How to Create Subfolders in S3 Bucket using AWS CLI

The AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) is a cloud service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to store your data securely. There are different approaches to storing and retrieving data from AWS S3; one of them is using the AWS CLI provided by Amazon Web Services. In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use AWS CLI to create subfolders in an AWS S3 bucket.

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