Common Fileless Malware Techniques

  • Registry resident malware: Registry resident malware is one type of malware that installs itself in the Windows computer registry to remain endless while evading detection.
  • Exploit kits: Exploits are pieces of code, sequences of commands, or collections of data, and exploit kits are sets of exploits. Adversaries mostly use these tools to take advantage of vulnerabilities that are known to remain in an operating system.
  • Memory-only malware: Memory-only malware is located only in memory. Duqu worm is one example of memory-only malware, which can stay undetected as it resides exclusively in memory.

What is Fileless Malware?

Fileless Malware is malicious software connected to computers that only resides as a RAM-based artifact on the machine. It is difficult to find and eliminate because it doesn’t rely on files and leaves no trace. To get beyond defenses, adversaries of the modern day are developing more complex, targeted malware since they are aware of the tactics used by enterprises to try to stop their attacks. In this article, we will understand the workings of fileless malware, Types of Fileless Malware, and more.

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What is a Fileless Malware?

Fileless Malware is malicious software that operates completely in a computer’s memory as prevented to the hard disc. Rather than infecting your computer with harmful files, it compromises it using programs that are otherwise benign and genuine. It is “fileless” because no files are downloaded to your hard drive when your computer becomes infected....

How Does Fileless Malware Work?

Malware without files operates by entering your computer’s memory directly. This implies that your hard disc is never exposed to dangerous malware. The method by which it enters your system is similar to that of other malicious malware. To detect the victim’s emotions and persuade them to click on the file or link, the attacker may employ social engineering. Attackers create access to data with fileless malware, which they can then exploit to either steal the information or undermine an organization’s operations. Instead of living in a separate file on your computer, fileless malware corrupts a reliable program, making it more challenging to identify. This is a result of fileless malware changing the command lines—a type of code that instructs programs on what actions to take. Because there isn’t an unusual file linked to the attack, a standard antivirus program can miss it....

Types of Fileless Malware

Below are two types of Fileless Malware....

Stages of Fileless Malware Attack

Here are the stages of a Fileless Malware Attack...

How to Detect Fileless Malware?

The best way to identify and prevent file-less malware threats is to adopt a multi-layered defense process and a comprehensive strategy. Finding signs of attack is a most useful technique for identifying file-less malware. This is so that you can distinguish between the malware’s associated behavior and the particular file. Cybersecurity teams must be aware of, be on the lookout for, and be knowledgeable about the many techniques attackers use to carry out fileless attack campaigns since the malware exploits a system’s built-in features to ease attacks and hide its tracks....

Common Fileless Malware Techniques

Registry resident malware: Registry resident malware is one type of malware that installs itself in the Windows computer registry to remain endless while evading detection. Exploit kits: Exploits are pieces of code, sequences of commands, or collections of data, and exploit kits are sets of exploits. Adversaries mostly use these tools to take advantage of vulnerabilities that are known to remain in an operating system. Memory-only malware: Memory-only malware is located only in memory. Duqu worm is one example of memory-only malware, which can stay undetected as it resides exclusively in memory....

How can you Defend Against Fileless Attacks?

Secure Authentication: To install and run malware, cybercriminals are increasingly employing remote access tools like RDP and credentials that have been compromised. Manage Macros: Fileless malware frequently uses Microsoft Office macros to get initial access and run. This inject vector can be stopped in part by disabling macros. Lock-Down Functionality: In Lock-down functionality, Fileless malware frequently lives off the land, leveraging features that are already present to accomplish its objectives. Patch Vulnerabilities: Attackers may take advantage of flaws to execute code within susceptible apps. The risk of exploiting a vulnerability is reduced by applying updates and combining virtual patching with an intrusion prevention system (IPS)....


In this article, we have learned about Fileless Malware. One kind of harmful software that attacks a computer through the use of legal programs is called file-less malware. To get beyond defenses, adversaries of the modern day are developing more complex, targeted malware as they are aware of the tactics used by organizations to try to stop their attacks....

Frequently Asked Questions on Fileless Malware- FAQs

How does fileless malware spread?...