Common Shortest Path Algorithms

  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Bellman Ford’s Algorithm
  • Floyd Warshall’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

The Dijkstra’s Algorithm is a greedy algorithm that is used to find the minimum distance between a node and all other nodes in a given graph. Here we can consider node as a router and graph as a network. It uses weight of edge .ie, distance between the nodes to find a minimum distance route.


1: Mark the source node current distance as 0 and all others as infinity.

2: Set the node with the smallest current distance among the non-visited nodes as the current node.

3: For each neighbor, N, of the current node:

  • Calculate the potential new distance by adding the current distance of the current node with the weight of the edge connecting the current node to N.
  • If the potential new distance is smaller than the current distance of node N, update N’s current distance with the new distance.

4: Make the current node as visited node.

5: If we find any unvisited node, go to step 2 to find the next node which has the smallest current distance and continue this process.


Consider the graph G:

Graph G

Now,we will start normalising graph one by one starting from node 0.

step 1

Nearest neighbour of 0 are 2 and 1 so we will normalize them first .

step 3

Similarly we will normalize other node considering it should not form a cycle and will keep track in visited nodes.

step 5

Shortest Path Algorithm in Computer Network

In between sending and receiving data packets from the sender to the receiver, it will go through many routers and subnets. So as a part of increasing the efficiency in routing the data packets and decreasing the traffic, we must find the shortest path. In this article, we are discussing the shortest path algorithms.

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