Company Description

Being selected as an Ambassador for a company like Microsoft with more than 40 years of history in Technology and Software felt like an enormous honor.

Their are total 4 stages of being a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador these are as follows:

  1. New
  2. Alpha
  3. Beta
  4. Gold

Gold being the topmost levels has the best privileges and you get to be mentored by Microsoft employees and even get nominated for Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional (MVP) program.

Microsoft Work Experience as Learn Student Ambassador

I received the email of acceptance into the program on 4th June 2022. The day was special for me as I was getting bored during my internship and did not have much to look forward because of COVID-19 back then.

Anyways, On receiving the mail I shared it on LinkedIn and the response from my connections was amazing. I had previously worked as a Student Partner for companies like Internshala and Bolt IoT.

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Company Description

Being selected as an Ambassador for a company like Microsoft with more than 40 years of history in Technology and Software felt like an enormous honor....

Responsibilities & Perks

When you get enrolled into the program, one of the first things that happens is that you get your own “@studentambassadors” Email Id along with perks like Visual Studio benefits, subscriptions to Microsoft Azure, TechSmith, Office 365 and LinkedIn Learning till you are part of the program....