Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Joins

The following table compares explicit and implicit joins


Explicit Joins

Implicit Joins


JOIN keyword

WHERE clause

Join type

Specified explicitly

Inferred from the WHERE clause

Join condition

Specified explicitly

Inferred from the WHERE clause


Usually faster

Usually slower


Usually more readable

Usually less readable

Explicit vs Implicit MySQL Joins

MySQL joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. MySQL, a popular relational database management system, offers two main approaches to perform joins: explicit and implicit. In this article, we will explore these two methodologies, understanding their syntax, use cases, and the implications for code readability and performance, when to use, and the Difference between these two approaches.

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Explicit Joins

Explicit joins are explicitly specified in the SQL query using the JOIN keyword followed by the type of join (e.g., INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, etc.) and the condition for joining the tables. Explicit joins provide more control over the join operation and allow you to specify the exact conditions for joining the rows from different tables. Commonly used to combine data from multiple tables based on specific criteria. Clearly define the relationships between tables, making the query logic more transparent. Can be more efficient in some cases, especially when there are complex join conditions....

Implicit Joins

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Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Joins

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