Comparison of the above three

Open addressing is a collision handling technique used in hashing where, when a collision occurs (i.e., when two or more keys map to the same slot), the algorithm looks for another empty slot in the hash table to store the collided key.

  • In linear probing, the algorithm simply looks for the next available slot in the hash table and places the collided key there. If that slot is also occupied, the algorithm continues searching for the next available slot until an empty slot is found. This process is repeated until all collided keys have been stored. Linear probing has the best cache performance but suffers from clustering. One more advantage of Linear probing is easy to compute. 
  • In quadratic probing, the algorithm searches for slots in a more spaced-out manner. When a collision occurs, the algorithm looks for the next slot using an equation that involves the original hash value and a quadratic function. If that slot is also occupied, the algorithm increments the value of the quadratic function and tries again. This process is repeated until an empty slot is found. Quadratic probing lies between the two in terms of cache performance and clustering. 
  • In double hashing, the algorithm uses a second hash function to determine the next slot to check when a collision occurs. The algorithm calculates a hash value using the original hash function, then uses the second hash function to calculate an offset. The algorithm then checks the slot that is the sum of the original hash value and the offset. If that slot is occupied, the algorithm increments the offset and tries again. This process is repeated until an empty slot is found.  Double hashing has poor cache performance but no clustering. Double hashing requires more computation time as two hash functions need to be computed. 

The choice of collision handling technique can have a significant impact on the performance of a hash table. Linear probing is simple and fast, but it can lead to clustering (i.e., a situation where keys are stored in long contiguous runs) and can degrade performance. Quadratic probing is more spaced out, but it can also lead to clustering and can result in a situation where some slots are never checked. Double hashing is more complex, but it can lead to more even distribution of keys and can provide better performance in some cases.

S.No. Separate Chaining Open Addressing
1. Chaining is Simpler to implement. Open Addressing requires more computation.
2. In chaining, Hash table never fills up, we can always add more elements to chain. In open addressing, table may become full.
3. Chaining is Less sensitive to the hash function or load factors. Open addressing requires extra care to avoid clustering and load factor.
4. Chaining is mostly used when it is unknown how many and how frequently keys may be inserted or deleted. Open addressing is used when the frequency and number of keys is known.
5. Cache performance of chaining is not good as keys are stored using linked list. Open addressing provides better cache performance as everything is stored in the same table.
6. Wastage of Space (Some Parts of hash table in chaining are never used). In Open addressing, a slot can be used even if an input doesn’t map to it.
7. Chaining uses extra space for links. No links in Open addressing

Note: Cache performance of chaining is not good because when we traverse a Linked List, we are basically jumping from one node to another, all across the computer’s memory. For this reason, the CPU cannot cache the nodes which aren’t visited yet, this doesn’t help us. But with Open Addressing, data isn’t spread, so if the CPU detects that a segment of memory is constantly being accessed, it gets cached for quick access.

Open Addressing Collision Handling technique in Hashing

Open Addressing is a method for handling collisions. In Open Addressing, all elements are stored in the hash table itself. So at any point, the size of the table must be greater than or equal to the total number of keys (Note that we can increase table size by copying old data if needed). This approach is also known as closed hashing. This entire procedure is based upon probing. We will understand the types of probing ahead:

  • Insert(k): Keep probing until an empty slot is found. Once an empty slot is found, insert k. 
  • Search(k): Keep probing until the slot’s key doesn’t become equal to k or an empty slot is reached. 
  • Delete(k): Delete operation is interesting. If we simply delete a key, then the search may fail. So slots of deleted keys are marked specially as “deleted”. 
    The insert can insert an item in a deleted slot, but the search doesn’t stop at a deleted slot. 

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