Compile and go loader

In this scheme, the architecture of memory is like, an assembler present in memory and it will always be there when we have a compile-and-go loading scheme. In another part of memory, there is an assembled machine instruction which means the assembled source program. Assembled machine instruction is placed directly into their assigned memory location. 


In this scheme, the source code goes into the translator line by line, and then that single line of code loads into memory. In another language, chunks of source code go into execution. Line-by-line code goes to the translator so there is no proper object code. Because of that, if the user runs the same source program, every line of code will again be translated by a translator. So here re-translation happens.

Compile and go loader scheme

The source program goes through the translator (compiler/assembler) and it consumes one part of the memory ad the second part of the memory is consumed by the assembler. The source program does not need that assembler but it is still there so this is a waste of memory.


  1. It is very simple to implement.
  2. The translator is enough to do the task, no subroutines are needed.
  3. It is the most simple scheme of the functions of the loader.
  4. Improved performance: The use of a compiler and loader can result in faster and more efficient code execution. This is because the compiler can optimize the code during the compilation process, and the loader can perform certain memory-related optimizations during program loading.
  5. Portability: A compiler and loader can help make software more portable by allowing the same source code to be compiled and loaded on different hardware platforms and operating systems.
  6. Security: The loader can perform various security checks during program loading to ensure that the program does not have any malicious code. This can help prevent security vulnerabilities and protect the user’s data.
  7. Ease of use: Compilers and loaders can automate many aspects of the software development process, making it easier and faster to develop, test, and deploy software.
  8. Flexibility: The use of a compiler and loader can provide developers with greater flexibility in terms of the programming languages and tools they can use.


  1. There is no use of the assembler but it is still there so a wastage of memory takes place.
  2. When source code runs multiple times the translation is also done every time. so re-translation is happening.
  3. Difficult to produce an orderly modular program
  4. Difficult to handle multiple segments like if the source program is in a different language. eg. one subroutine is assembly language & another subroutine is FORTRAN.

Compiler and Go Loader

The loader is one of the essential parts of the operating system which loads the program and libraries in memory. There are multiple loading schemes to do the four functions of the loader. Following are the basic function of the loader.

Compiler is a software tool that converts human-readable source code into executable machine code. It does this by first performing various phases of analysis and optimization on the source code, and then generating an output file (usually an executable binary) that can be run on a computer.

Loader, on the other hand, is a program that loads executable code into memory and prepares it for execution. In the context of the Go programming language, the loader is a part of the Go runtime system that is responsible for loading Go programs into memory.

When a Go program is compiled, it is first transformed into an intermediate representation called bytecode. This bytecode is then compiled into machine code by the Go compiler. The resulting machine code is stored in an executable file that can be loaded into memory by the Go loader.

The Go loader performs several tasks when loading a program into memory. First, it maps the executable file into memory and initializes various data structures required for the program to run. It also performs certain security checks to ensure that the program does not have any malicious code. Once the program is loaded into memory, the loader transfers control to the program’s entry point, which is the first instruction of the main function.

In summary, the compiler and loader are two essential components of the software development process. The compiler is responsible for converting source code into machine code, while the loader is responsible for loading the machine code into memory and preparing it for execution. In the context of the Go programming language, the Go compiler generates bytecode, which is then compiled into machine code by the Go runtime system’s loader.

Functions of Loader:

  1. Allocation
  2. Linking
  3. Relocation
  4. Loading

For more details on these functions refer to the prerequisite mentioned top the article. In this article, we are going to discuss the Compile and go loading scheme of the loader.

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Compile and go loader:

In this scheme, the architecture of memory is like, an assembler present in memory and it will always be there when we have a compile-and-go loading scheme. In another part of memory, there is an assembled machine instruction which means the assembled source program. Assembled machine instruction is placed directly into their assigned memory location....