
When telnet was developed basic ASCII text was predominant. Present-day terminals usually used Unicode as standard. Additionally, color coding and formatting make the text that is visible on-screen very different from the byte strings that are passed via telnet. This creates confusion while using some functions of the Telnet class. This article aims to help in that respect.

Telnet – Python Network programming

Telnet is a networking protocol that follows a client-server model. It uses TCP as its underlying communication protocol. It is typically used to start and a remote command-line session, typically on a server.  

Some facts about telnet:

  • Uses Transmission Control Protocol for data transmission.
  • Bi-directional 8-bit protocol
  • The protocol standard was initially described in RFC15 and was further extended in RFC854 and RFC855.
  • It was developed in 1969.

In python, telnet communication is facilitated by the telnetlib module. The telnetlib module provides Telnet class that implements telnet protocol described in RFC 854.

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The Telnet Class:

Syntax: class telnetlib.Telnet(host=None, port=0[, timeout]) : Input Parameters: host(optional): it takes the server name or ip-address. Example:, “localhost” port(optional): takes the port number if not provided uses the default port number. timeout(optional): an additional parameter can be passed to specify the timeout duration else the global timeout duration is used....


When telnet was developed basic ASCII text was predominant. Present-day terminals usually used Unicode as standard. Additionally, color coding and formatting make the text that is visible on-screen very different from the byte strings that are passed via telnet. This creates confusion while using some functions of the Telnet class. This article aims to help in that respect....

Steps to writing a telnet program:

Step 1: Start a telnet server...

