Components of Jamstack

1. JavaScript (JS)

JavaScript is a programming language commonly used for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. In the context of JAMstack, JavaScript is used primarily on the client side (in the user’s web browser) to enhance the user interface and handle interactions without the need for server-side processing.

2. APIs

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are sets of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. In the JAMstack architecture, APIs are used to handle dynamic functionalities and server-side operations, such as fetching data from a database, processing payments, or integrating with third-party services.

3. Markup

Markup refers to the structure and content of a web page, typically written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language). In the JAMstack approach, markup is pre-built during the build process and serves as static files. This means that the content of the web pages is generated ahead of time and can be delivered directly to users without the need for server-side processing.

Together, these three components form the foundation of the JAMstack architecture, which emphasizes fast, secure, and scalable web development by decoupling the frontend presentation layer from the backend server logic

Is Jamstack good for E-Commerce?

Yes, JAMstack can be a good choice for e-commerce websites, especially for smaller to medium-sized stores.

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