Components of the Mediator Design Pattern

1. Mediator

The Mediator interface defines the communication contract, specifying methods that concrete mediators should implement to facilitate interactions among colleagues.. It encapsulates the logic for coordinating and managing the interactions between these objects, promoting loose coupling and centralizing control over their communication.

2. Colleague

Colleague classes are the components or objects that interact with each other. They communicate through the Mediator, and each colleague class is only aware of the mediator, not the other colleagues. This isolation ensures that changes in one colleague do not directly affect others.

3. Concrete Mediator

Concrete Mediator is a specific implementation of the Mediator interface. It coordinates the communication between concrete colleague objects, handling their interactions and ensuring a well-organized collaboration while keeping them decoupled.

4. Concrete colleague

Concrete Colleague classes are the specific implementations of the Colleague interface. They rely on the Mediator to communicate with other colleagues, avoiding direct dependencies and promoting a more flexible and maintainable system architecture.

Mediator design pattern

The Mediator design pattern is a behavioral pattern that defines an object, the mediator, to centralize communication between various components or objects in a system. This promotes loose coupling by preventing direct interactions between components, instead of having them communicate through the mediator, facilitating better maintainability and flexibility in the system architecture.

Important Topics for the Mediator Design Pattern

  • What is the Mediator Design Pattern?
  • Real-Life Analogy of the Mediator Design Pattern
  • Components of the Mediator Design Pattern
  • How components are interacting with each other?
  • Mediator Design Pattern example
  • When to use the Mediator Design Pattern
  • When not to use the Mediator Design Pattern

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