Configuration in PyCharm

Setting up a Project

To set up a project, first of all you need to open PyCharm. On the top left corner you can see the file option, click on “File” and select “new project” or else you can also work with an existing one. You can now configure Python Interpreter, that specifies its version. If you’re facing problems, see in this image below.

PyCharm New Project

Editor Preferences

Go to “Settings”, then “Editor” and configure your settings according to your preferences such as “code style”, “inspections”, “font” and more. If you’re facing problems finding this option, you can also see in the image below:

Editor Settings in PyCharm

Version Control Integration

In case you’re using version control systems like Git, you can configure your PyCharm settings. Go to the “VSC” tab on the top left corner between “tools” and “window” tabs. You can set your git username and also choose the version control tool according to your preferences.

VCS in PyCharm

How to customize and configure PyCharm

Python is a very popular language, mainly known for its easy syntax and extensive libraries. It is mostly used in Data Domains and Development Fields as well. For writing our code and executing it we use an environment, called IDE or Integrated Development Environment. Likewise one of the very popular IDEs in the programming world is PyCharm. Python can be done in PyCharm with ease. PyChram is widely used to code, run and execute, customize and configure, and many more. In this article, we’ll discuss in detail about customization and Configuration in PyChram. In this article, we will learn how to customize and configure PyCharm.

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