Conservative Force Formula

The formula of a conservative force is given as

Fc = – dU/ds


  • Fc = conservative force
  • U = Potential energy
  • s = position

Conservative Force and Potential Energy

A conservative force is a force that only depends on the initial and final position of the moving path and not dependent on the total path travelled.

Potential energy is a type energy that depends a system’s position, shape, or configuration. It is a stored type energy which is completely recoverable.

Potential energy is denoted as PE and it is defined for any conservative forces. During the work done by a conservative force, the object reach the final configuration. Conservative force depends on the final configuration and that configuration adds potential energy.

For a conservative force, the mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy. When a conservative force acts on a body, the total mechanical energy remains constant. It defined that the conservative force obeys the law of mechanical energy.

KEi + PEi = KEf + PEf = Constant

Conservative Forces – Definition, Formula, Examples

Conservative Force is a type of force which is independent of path taken to do a work. This means when an when force applied in moving an object from one position to another is the same irrespective of the path taken, it is called conservative force. A force is a push or pull acting on an object. In our surroundings, several forces exist. Conservative forces include magnetic force, gravitational force, etc.

In this article, we will learn in detail about conservative force, its definition, formula, and examples. We will also compare conservative and non-conservative forces.

Table of Content

  • What is a Conservative Force?
  • Work Done by a Conservative Force
  • Conservative Force Formula
  • Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
  • Difference between the Conservative Force and Non-conservative Force

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