Const Reference in C++

In the “pass by const reference” technique, a const reference (also known as an alias) to the original argument is passed. This means that we cannot modify the actual parameters within the function. By using a reference, we avoid making a copy of the argument, so we can also pass large objects or parameters to functions.

Syntax for Const Reference Parameter Passing

returnType functionName(const dataType& paramName);


The below example demonstrates how we can pass by const reference in C++.

// C++ program to demonstrate pass by const reference

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// function to modify the value
void increase(const int& num)
    num += 5; // Error: read-only variable is not assignable

int main()

    // define avariable
    int x = 10;
    // calling increase function by passing parameter x
    // printing the variable x
    cout << x;
    return 0;


error: assignment of read-only reference ‘num’

Explanation: In the above example, compiler throws a compile-time error because here we are trying to modify a read-only reference which is not possible.

Const Reference vs Normal Parameter Passing in C++

In C++, when we call a function we can also pass the parameters to the function in many ways like pass by value, pass by reference, pass by pointer, and by const reference. Each parameter-passing technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will learn the difference between normal parameter passing and passing by const reference in C++.

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Normal Parameter Passing in C++

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Const Reference in C++

In the “pass by const reference” technique, a const reference (also known as an alias) to the original argument is passed. This means that we cannot modify the actual parameters within the function. By using a reference, we avoid making a copy of the argument, so we can also pass large objects or parameters to functions....

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In conclusion, the choice between const reference and normal parameter passing in C++ depends on the specific requirements of our program. If we’re working with large objects and want to avoid the overhead of copying, const reference can be a good choice. However, if we want the function to modify the arguments within oour function, normal parameter passing will be preferred....