Conversion between Unit of Force

In the following table, conversion factors for different units are given. These conversion factor can be multiplied with to convert any unit to other unit.

From/To Newton (N) Pound-force (lbf) Kilogram-force (kgf) Dyne
Newton (N) 1 0.224809 0.101972 105
Pound-force (lbf) 4.44822 1 0.453592 4.44822 × 105
Kilogram-force (kgf) 9.80665 2.20462 1 9.80665 × 105
Dyne 1 × 10-5 2.24809 × 10-6 1.01972 × 10-6 1

How to Use this Table

We can use this table to convert between any two units as follows:

  • To convert a value from one unit to another, multiply by the corresponding factor in the table.
    • For example, to convert 5 Newtons to Pound-force, multiply by 0.224809, resulting in approximately 1.12405 lbf.
  • Conversely, to convert from Pound-force to Newtons, multiply by the factor in the Newton row under the Pound-force column.
    • For example, converting 5 lbf to Newtons involves multiplying by 4.44822, resulting in approximately 22.2411 N.

1N = 1kg.m/s2 = 105dyne = 0.10197 kp = 0.22481 lbf = 7.2330 pdl

Unit of Force

Force is one of the most fundamental concepts in physics. Force is measured in the unit “Newton.” Force can be measured by observing its effects on the object, such as acceleration, deformation, or work done. A unit of force is a standard amount of force that can be used as a reference to measure and communicate other forces.

There are different systems of units that define different units of force, such as the Newton in the SI system, the dyne in the CGS system, and the pound-force in the imperial system.

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