Convert Dictionary to List of Values in Python

Below are some of the ways by which we can convert a dictionary to a list of values in Python:

  1. Using for loop
  2. Using items() Function
  3. Using Zip Function

Convert Dictionary to List Using For Loop

The below method converts dictionary data into a list list_of_data using a for loop. It iterates through the keys of the dictionary, retrieves the corresponding values using data.get(key), and appends a list containing the key-value pair to the list_of_data list.


# initial dictionary
data = {1: "Gaurav", 2: "Sanket", 3: "Anjali", 4: "Priyanka"}
# empty list to store key-value pairs
list_of_data = []
# iterate through dictionary
for key in data:
    # append key-value pair to the list
    list_of_data.append([key, data.get(key)])
# print the resulting list


<type 'list'>
[[1, 'Gaurav'], [2, 'Sanket'], [3, 'Anjali'], [4, 'Priyanka']]

Python Convert Dictionary to List Using .items() Function

The below method uses the items() method to convert a dictionary (data) into a list (list_of_data), containing key-value pairs. The resulting list is then printed, demonstrating the transformation of dictionary data into a list of values.


# initial dictionary
data = {1: "Gaurav", 2: "Sanket", 3: "Anjali", 4: "Priyanka"}
# convert dict items into list
list_of_data = list(data.items())
# printing the resulting list


<type 'list'>
[(1, 'Gaurav'), (2, 'Sanket'), (3, 'Anjali'), (4, 'Priyanka')]

Python Dictionary to List Using Zip Function

Using the zip function, the provided code converts a dictionary (data) into a list (list_of_data) by combining keys and values into tuples and then converting them into a list. This method showcases the demonstration of the zip function for creating a list of values from a dictionary.


# initial dictionary
data = {1: "Gaurav", 2: "Sanket", 3: "Anjali", 4: "Priyanka"}
# Zip tuple of kays & values into list
list_of_data = list(zip(data.keys(), data.values()))
# printing the resulting list


<type 'list'>
[(1, 'Gaurav'), (2, 'Sanket'), (3, 'Anjali'), (4, 'Priyanka')]

Python Convert Dictionary to List of Values

Python has different types of built-in data structures to manage your data. A list is a collection of ordered items, whereas a dictionary is a key-value pair data. Both of them are unique in their own way. In this article, the dictionary is converted into a list of values in Python using various concepts and methods. Here, we will see how we can convert a dictionary into a list of values in Python.

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