Correcting the Import Statement

If you previously tried to the import PIL directly we should update your import statement to the use the correct module name. The typical import statements for the Pillow are:

from PIL import Image

from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont

For example to open and display an image we can use the following code:

from PIL import Image

# Open an image file

image =‘example.jpg’)

# Display the image

Checking Python Path:

The Ensure that your Python environment is correctly set up and that the Python path includes the directory where Pillow is installed. we can check the Python path using following code:

import sys


Make sure that the directory where Pillow is installed is listed in the output.

How to Fix “ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘PIL'” in Python

The errors while working with Python libraries is a common occurrence. One such error is the “ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘PIL'” which typically arises when attempting to the use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) for the image processing. This error occurs because PIL is not installed or import statement is incorrect. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and provide the detailed steps to resolve it.

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The “ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘PIL'” error is a common issue that arises when working with the image processing in the Python. By understanding the difference between the PIL and Pillow installing Pillow using the pip and correcting import statements we can easily resolve this error and continue with the image processing tasks. Following the steps outlined in this article will help ensure that Python environment is set up correctly and that we can use Pillow for the image processing needs....