Create new columns

Columns can be inserted either by appending a new column or using existing columns to evaluate a new column. By default, columns are added to the far right. Although columns can be added to any desired position using .before and .after arguments


mutate(dataframe , columns)


  • dataframe is the input dataframe
  • columns are the new columns that are added to the dataframe
  • .before(by default = NULL)
  • .after(by default = NULL)



# create a data frame
d <- data.frame(FirstName=c("Suresh", "Ramesh", "Tanya", "Sujata"),
                 Salary=c(50000, 60000, 70000, 80000),
                 Expenses=c(20000, 15000, 30000, 25000))
# adding new columns
d <- mutate(d, Age=c(25, 28, 22, 27), Savings=Salary - Expenses)
# adding a new column before FirstName
d <- mutate(d, Title=c("Mr", "Mr", "Ms", "Ms"), .before=FirstName)
# adding a new column after FirstName
d <- mutate(d, LastName=c("Singh", "Pande", "Sinha", "Roy"),


FirstName  Salary  Expenses

Suresh       50000   20000
Ramesh     60000   15000
Tanya      70000   30000
Sujata     80000   25000

FirstName  Salary  Expenses Age Savings

Suresh       50000   20000    25  30000
Ramesh     60000   15000    28  45000
Tanya      70000   30000    22  40000
Sujata     80000   25000    27  55000

Title  FirstName  Salary  Expenses Age Savings

Mr     Suresh      50000   20000    25  30000
Mr       Ramesh     60000   15000    28  45000
Ms       Tanya      70000   30000    22  40000
Ms       Sujata     80000   25000    27  55000

Title  FirstName  LastName  Salary  Expenses Age Savings

Mr     Suresh      Singh     50000   20000    25  30000
Mr       Ramesh     Pande     60000   15000    28  45000
Ms       Tanya      Sinha     70000   30000    22  40000
Ms       Sujata     Roy       80000   25000    27  55000  

Create, modify, and delete columns using dplyr package in R

In this article, we will discuss mutate function present in dplyr package in R Programming Language to create, modify, and delete columns of a dataframe.

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