Creating a New User with Full Privileges in PostgreSQL

Initially, we are going to create a ROLE with LOGIN and then we will connect with our database using that USER that we have created. And, then providing it with all the privileges to create tables, insert values, and delete records. For that purpose, we have to provide our created user with full privileges. So, without any further delay letā€™s dive into the tutorial.

Step 1: Create a ROLE

We are creating a role with the name ā€œpirateā€ with LOGIN privilege.




Role Created

Step 2: Create a Table

The basic idea of creating a role is to provide it with full privileges so that the role or the user can create, delete, and update records. Thatā€™s why we are going to create a table.




Table created

Step 3: Logging as a New User

Now, we will log in as a new user, the user we created earlier remember? ā€œpirateā€ We will log in using this user and then try to insert values in the created table. But, as our user is new and doesnā€™t have any privileges yet, Postgres will deny our user to insert values in the table.

Now, letā€™s see what will happen and why.


psql -h localhost -U <username> <database_name>


Logging as a new user

Step 4: Insert Values in Table

Now as we successfully logged in as the new user with which we created earlier, and now we will try to insert values in the table. For your information, our user ā€œpirateā€ doesnā€™t have any specific privileges and isnā€™t a superuser so that means it wonā€™t be able to insert values in the table.

For a user to insert values to modify anything in the database, it must have superuser and other privileges. Now letā€™s move on with the demonstration and letā€™s see what happens.


INSERT INTO test (id,name) VALUES (1,'ujjwal');


Permission denied

As we can see in the result, permission is denied by Postgres to insert values in the database. So, to overcome this problem we have to provide our user ā€œpirateā€ with privileges so that it will be able to insert values and modify content in the table in a particular database.

Step 5: Provide Privileges to the User

Now, we have to provide our user ā€œpirateā€ with privileges so that we can add values and update records in the table in a specific database. So, assigning privileges to the user is pretty simple. Now letā€™s take a look at how we can achieve this.

But, remember we are providing privileges to ā€œpirateā€ but to only work with table ā€œtestā€. It means our user ā€œpirateā€ can modify and update the contents of table ā€œtestā€ only. Thatā€™s an important point to remember.

NOTE: To provide privileges to ā€œpirateā€ we have to log in as a superuser or as ā€œPostgresā€ that we usually log in with. And, then we use this command to provide privileges to our new user.


GRANT ALL ON test TO pirate;


Privileges granted

Step 6: Insert Data

Now we have provided all the privileges to the user ā€œpirateā€ It is now able to modify and update the contents of table ā€œtestā€. Before our user wasnā€™t able to insert data but now with all the provided permissions it will be able to insert, delete, and modify data.

Now letā€™s see the demonstration of this step:

INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES (1,'ujjwaL');


value insertion

We have successfully created a new user and learned how to provide the newly created user privileges to insert, delete, and modify data in the specific table. Now letā€™s see if can we perform other operations like fetch data or not.

Step 7: Fetch Data

We have successfully inserted values in our table ā€œtestā€ with our new user ā€œpirateā€. Now letā€™s try to fetch some data with our current user and see if it can fetch data or not.

Our user is not a superuser which is why it wasnā€™t able to provide itself privileges, and thus we have to log in as a superuser and then provide privileges to ā€œpirateā€.

Now we are going to fetch data as user ā€œpirateā€




Fetched successfully

Our user is now capable of performing all kinds of operations in the table. You have learned many things in this article from creating a new user, providing it privileges, and how to log in as a new user all these steps are necessary in the journey of learning databases, especially the Relational Database Management System.

How to Create a New User With Full Privileges in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL provides a way to give a user full privileges to do anything with the database. The database objects like schema, table, function, and so on. The ā€˜GRANTā€™ command is used in PostgreSQL to provide a user with any specific privileges or to override the role of the user. In this article, we are going to learn how we can create a new user assign that user with full privileges, and so on. So, be prepared with a PostgreSQL terminal because it is far better to run Postgresql in the terminal as it provides more power to the user.

We are going to learn how to create a user with full privileges not a user to superuser. You can check out our article How to Change a User to Superuser in PostgreSQL. Changing a user to a superuser and providing user privileges to modify content in the specific table are whole different concepts.

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