Creating new columns

New columns or features can be easily created in Data1 and Data2 datasets.


# Creating feature in Data1 dataset
Data1$Num < - 0
# Creating feature in Data2 dataset
Data2$Code < - "Mission"
# Printing the data

Num is a new feature that is created with 0 default value in Data1 dataset. Code is a new feature that is created with the mission as a default string in Data2 dataset.

Working with Excel Files in R Programming

Excel files are of extension .xls, .xlsx and .csv(comma-separated values). To start working with excel files in R Programming Language, we need to first import excel files in RStudio or any other R supporting IDE(Integrated development environment).

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Reading Files:

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Modifying Files


Deleting Content from files

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Merging Files


Creating new columns

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Writing Files
