Creating SparkSession

Method 1 – Using builder API

The SparkSession object can be created using the builder API as follows.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

object createSparkSession {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()

The SparkSession object

Above, we used the builder function available in the SparkSession object (scala companion object, not a normal object of the class) that can create a sparksession object.

We can even access the sparkcontext and sqlcontext from this sparksession object. Let’s see how to extract these from the sparksession object.


Accessing sparkcontext and sqlcontext

Here we have access the sparkcontext and sqlcontext objects present inside the sparksession.

Adding configuration to the sparksession object.

We can even add configuration options to the sparksession object to change its behaviour according to our needs. For this, we need to call the config function. Let us see how to provide the configuration while creating sparksession.

val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
      .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "<path>/spark-warehouse")

Method 2 – From existing sparksession

We can create a new sparksession from an existing sparksession. Let us see how to do

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

object createSparkSession {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
    val spark_2 = spark.newSession()

SparkSession object

Here we created a new sparksession object from an existing sparksession object. We can create as many sparksessions as we want. However, to use this method there must be an existing sparksession object to create a new sparksession from.

How to create Spark session in Scala?

Scala stands for scalable language. It was developed in 2003 by Martin Odersky. It is an object-oriented language that provides support for functional programming approach as well. Everything in scala is an object e.g. – values like 1,2 can invoke functions like toString(). Scala is a statically typed language although unlike other statically typed languages like C, C++, or Java, it doesn’t require type information while writing the code. The type verification is done at the compile time. Static typing allows to building of safe systems by default. Smart built-in checks and actionable error messages, combined with thread-safe data structures and collections, prevent many tricky bugs before the program first runs.

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Creating SparkSession

Method 1 – Using builder API...