Customize the Ordering of Elements in a PriorityQueue

Using a Custom Comparator to customize the ordering of elements in a PriorityQueue, follow these steps:

  • When constructing a PriorityQueue, provide a custom comparator a define the desired order.
  • The constructor PriorityQueue (int capacity, Comparator<E> comparator) allows you to create a PriorityQueue with a specified initial capacity and a custom comparator.
  • The comparator determines how elements are compared and ordered.

How to Customize the Ordering of Elements in a PriorityQueue Using a Comparator in Java?

A PriorityQueue is a data structure that allows elements to be processed based on their priority. By default, it orders elements according to their natural ordering (e.g., numeric values in ascending order). However, sometimes we need a different sorting order based on specific criteria.

In this article, we will learn to Customize the Ordering of Elements in a PriorityQueue Using a Comparator in Java.


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